
Onenote sticky notes android tablet
Onenote sticky notes android tablet

The TechRepublic article on How to get the most out of Windows 10’s Sticky Notes app with a Task View desktop serves as a good primer if you haven’t fully delved into Sticky Notes. To make this all work, you’ll need a Microsoft Account and the mobile app for Microsoft OneNote for your iPhone or Android phone. You can then create, edit, and sync your sticky notes across your PC, the web, and your mobile phones. The key lies in using your Microsoft Account to sync your notes via the different locations and devices. But they’re not just limited to Windows–you can also access your sticky notes on the web and on an iPhone or Android phone. Microsoft’s Sticky Notes is a quick, convenient way for creating and pinning reminders and other types of notes to your Windows desktop.

onenote sticky notes android tablet onenote sticky notes android tablet

Read this tutorial on how to use Microsoft's Sticky Notes in Windows 10, on the web, and on your iPhone or Android phone. How to use Microsoft’s Sticky Notes in Windows 10, on the web, and on your mobile device

Onenote sticky notes android tablet